8:30am and 11:00am
Learn more about the Christmas activities around First Lutheran Church!
Welcome to First Lutheran Church.
Please join us for worship and Bible class. We would love to have you join us to be part of God’s family here at First Lutheran. You can also view our Services by visiting our YouTube channel one hour after the 2nd Service.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first and third Sundays of the month.
Ways to Connect
Learn more about activities, programs, small groups, Bible studies and special events taking place.
Watch our past services, including our worship service and our message from Pastor David Johnson.
We would like to hear from you! Contact us to learn more about FLC, our services and our programs.
Missoula’s First Lutheran Classical School!
Classical education is a time-proven developmental method of teaching children mastery of all subjects that begins with the fundamentals, builds to integration of knowledge, and culminates in eloquent and creative expression. FLCS offers classes for pre-school through 8th grade.